Our team of dancers has developed this tank top to give you fluidity and femininity when doing fitness dance at any level.
A feminine fitness dance outfit in stylish colours. Is that even possible?
Your fitness dance outfit wants to reflect your energy and sense of fun! What could be better than modern colours combined with a touch of femininity to let you feel confident and at ease during fitness dance classes? You can use our range of tank tops to build a colourful fitness dance outfit with stylish graphics and feminine voile details. Yellow or pink: it's up to you!
A breathable tank top for dancing with confidence
Because you really push your limits in fitness dance, you need an outfit that's breathable enough to keep you comfortable throughout your workout. This is why we have made a tank top with airy fabric, an open back and voile details. It's perfect for letting off steam throughout your entire fitness dance class!
What are the benefits of fitness dance?
Fitness dance uses choreographed routines to boost your physical fitness. You'll bust some moves to pop, rock and Latin tunes at a variety of tempos that will work your every muscle. The more you repeat the moves, the better you'll remember them and the more at ease you'll feel in each class. From chassés to spins and twists, your arms get involved in every move to help improve your coordination!
Do you want a stylish tank top that’s designed for fitness dance? With its lightweight fabric and voile opening at the back you feel free to move!
Our team of dancers has developed this tank top to give you fluidity and femininity when doing fitness dance at any level.